Saturday, November 14, 2009

What type of rose will bloom the longest in the summer?

I live in Ontario, Canada. I want to plant some roses next year. What types bloom the longest in the summer? Thanks in advance.

Ps. What are some perenuals (or other flowers) like snapdragons, larkspur, and gladiols that bloom for a long time in the summer?

What type of rose will bloom the longest in the summer?
Roses best suited to your climate are the Explorer and the Parkland series roses developed at Morden Research Station in Manitoba.

Roses are not instant producers. They require 2-3 years to establish and get up to full flower potential. Some modern roses bloom nearly constantly with a small number of roses after the first flush some have a second smaller flush. To be sure you are getting a rebloomer look for the term remontant or repeat bloomer. Avoid roses like the Gallicas, Albas, and most Species unless they are from Asia.

Establishing a rose can be helped by amending the soil in a 3x3 foot area 18 inches deep for a large rose like a climber. When I dig the hole I only keep the top 4-6 inches and use compost to replace the rest of the soil. I like to add one cup each alfalfa meal, fish meal, bone meal, kelp meal, and a seed meal like cotton seed to the soil. A small shrub needs a smaller area amended say 1.5-2 feet square and I use the fertilizer mix at 2/3 cup each.

Roses are heavy feeders but should never be fed late in the year a rule of thumb is Valentine's Day, Memorial Day %26amp; Labor Day for fertilizing.

Long blooming perennials include Dianthus or garden pinks, Gaillardia also called Blanket Flower, Liatris - Gayfeather, in white or purple, Rudbeckia - Black-eyed Susan.

Any sedum or stonecrop would be good. I particularly like 'Matrona', 'Arthur Branch' %26amp; 'Autumn Fire'.
Reply:Ontario,hmmm you will have to do some serious covering in the winter..try going to your home improvement store and they should have a gardening book section that has books for just your area like here, it's southern gardening..

Hope this helps at least a little!? Nana

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