Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Really need help with part B of this question please look at it??

determine the parent phenotypes of two progeny (F1) that came from the same parental cross (P1). Both progeny have white flowers. Rank the following pairs of potential parents in the order of increasing likelihood that they produced the progeny:

(i) pink snapdragon X pink snapdragon;

(ii) red snapdragon X white snapdragon;

(iii) pink snapdragon X white snapdragon.

b.) Repeat what you did in (a) for the following progeny: two white, one pink and two red flowers.

Really need help with part B of this question please look at it??
A) = ii) i) iii)

i) odds of white 1:4

ii) odds of white 0:4

iii) odds of white 2:4

B) = i)

im not sure how to rank them because the answer must be a cross between 2 pink flowers because a red and white cross cannot produce and white and a pink and white cross cannot produce any red flowers. So the only possibility that could produce two white, one pink and two red is a pink, pink cross.

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