Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My beautiful tall snapdragons are wilting! Help.?

They have been looking great and they've been watered plenty. Some look just great and some are wilting, buds and all. Why?

My beautiful tall snapdragons are wilting! Help.?
Be sure to push down around the base of them a little - sometimes there was some air pockets when they were being planted and sometimes a curious vole or mouse tunnels around the base to check them out when they are new - be sure the ground is firmed around them so air pockets and tunnels will be filled in - press gently but firmly and you may feel the difference between the ones that are not wilting and the ones that are - though sun and transplatation can cause temporary wilts as well.
Reply:If they're newly planted, give them time to adjust. Make sure to deadhead as needed. And don't forget to recite Shakespeare to them.
Reply:You might be overwatering them.

Or maybe you had a frost and they are wilting from that..

Or maybe they are not used to direct sun yet.

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