Saturday, November 14, 2009

Anyone know how to take care of snapdragons and tomatos from seedlings?

Yes. They need full sun, both of them. However, tomatoes need sun a lot longer and hotter than do snaps. The snapdragons appreciate cooler weather. You can fertilise them after their first bloom; otherwise keep them moist but not soggy.

Tomatoes need lots of water up to their fruiting. Once they form the small fruits, water a lot less or you will end up with watery tomatoes. This does not mean dry them out, but do not be as generous with the watering can as you normally would. They like a somewhat acidic fertiliser, or fish emusion does just fine.

Anyone know how to take care of snapdragons and tomatos from seedlings?
Not sure about the snaps, but if you intend on growing tomatoes from seedlings, I'd definitely be sure to purchase a grow light (full spectrum fluorescent bulbs). They are available at Walmart for around $10 including the fixture. Better yet, I'm using a seedling heating mat in conjunction as well to ensure that the soil temperature stays at an acceptable level for germination and early growth. If the seedlings start out weak, your harvest will be diminished!

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