Friday, November 18, 2011

Need to know what's wrong with my Snapdragons?

All right, this is only my second summer of gardening and I have tried my best to educate myself on how to care for each of my flowers, which are all in pots. The problem is with my snapdragons and I have tried to search for info on diseases so that I can find out what to do about it, but none of the descriptions seem to match and the pics don't look like it, so somebody please help!!

It started with one individual snapdragon, in the very back of all the rest, that had dried up, while the others were still looking healthy. So I pulled that one out. Next thing you know, there are about 5 in the back that suddenly don't look so good. They are still green, but the stems seem weak and all the leaves are drooped down and kind of curled. On top of that there are random leaves, on some of the other SDs that otherwise look OK, that have turned yellowish brown. And last, there are some green leaves that have clear spots, kind of the appearance of saran wrap. Help!!

Need to know what's wrong with my Snapdragons?
Antirrhinums (snapdragons) do not enjoy dry baked roots, which is often the case with pot grown plants. You should NEVER use the same soil for the same plants, replace soil EVERY year, do not overfill pots with too many plants as snapdragons are hungry plants and need good moist soil to produce healthy plants. Diseases in plants are mostly encouraged by growing conditions.
Reply:find help. someone can help u
Reply:snapdragons are in the drought tolerant class.they don;t need watering every day.they do not like to be fertilized.they will re-seed them selves and be beautiful next year.the first year is a little tricky to get them growing good. next year they will be great.
Reply:I think they are a cooler weather flower, for spring time. Is it very hot where you live? If so, they are an annual that thrives in cool weather Nothing that you did? Sorry, better luck next time with a more heat tolerant plant.
Reply:When pruning off dead or dying parts of a plant try to cut it with pruning shears or sharp scissors, also your pot may be too small. Your plants could have outgrown their pot and the roots are getting compacted. Have you tried fertilizing them or testing the acidity of you soil to see if its to their liking? Some plants love acidic soil others will not flourish in it.
Reply:are you watering them enough?

are you watering them too much?

Are they getting too much sunlight?

Are they not getting Enough sunlight?

Did you sprey them with weed killer or something?

I like Snapdragons, i have a big batch out front of my house....

kung fu

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